Is Zillow Premier Agent Worth it?

June 21, 2021


Author :

Bradley Zeller

Consider all of your digital marketing options before starting a Zillow premium agent program

When working with Zillow premium agent, you must be willing to call your leads within five minutes or the shortest time possible after receiving your information. If you wait an hour or even a day before contacting your clients, Zillow will not work for you.

Contact Zillow Premier Agent Example

If you are new to Zillow, consider contacting your past clients and requesting them to rate their experience working with you. Zillow works with reviews from past clients. A realtor with thirty reviews is more likely to be chosen for business over one with only five reviews.

Before joining the Zillow community, you must weigh if it is worth advertising your paid search ads through it. The best advantages of working with Zillow is being able to get leads with out doing any work. However, if you are a small business, Zillow may not work best for you. Leads from Zillow Premium agent low quality leads that are shared with multiple real estate brokerage firms. The firms have to work tirelessly to convert the leads to successful transactions.

In addition to sharing leads, you must subscribe to the Zillow pricing. The cheapest zip codes are priced from two hundred dollars per month. While medium to high income area plans cost over $4,000 a month. Another thing to consider is being locked into these packages for many months without being able to cancel or pause if you need to. Zillow premier agent is a big commitment with a big company without any personal care or help.

Real estate digital marketing should not be expensive. Working with a digital marketing agency like Zeller Media offers a cost-effective real estate digital marketing experience. Zeller Media is typically able to generate leads at only thirty to fifty dollars per lead. Unlike Zillow, whose typical charges start from as high as four thousand dollars per month depending on your zip code and a six-month commitment, at Zeller Media, we do not have any obligations.

How does Paid Search Work for real estate brokers?

Paid search advertising is the new technology commonly used by brokers to generate buyer and seller leads. The real estate paid search works when you pay for keywords and create real estate Google ads that pop up whenever someone types the keyword on the search icon.

Paid search ads pop up whenever an internet user types a keyword into Google, Yahoo, or Bing. Unlike the organic search results, paid search results are paid for to appear on that spot. You can compare paid search to an auction. All the keywords have a price tag. Businesses compete for the ad position on the search page by bidding on the keywords.

The process of setting up a paid search is complicated but we are experts at this. Begin by choosing your keywords correctly, set up a budget, and write your ad. You also get to choose you location targeting from as broad as targeting the United States and as narrow as City targeting. The goal is to get the right people to visit your site from the right keywords and right geo location. The process is continuous as you have to keep adding positive and negative keywords to your Google ads to keep gaining significant buyers.

At Zeller Media, we build you a custom digital marketing program to generate you leads by using paid search.

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